Senin, 12 Agustus 2019


Tender Process in: Private & Government Sector
& Their Differences

The Tender Process used by Governments differs from the private sector in that it is more formalized and more strictly managed to ensure consistency between departments and locations. In addition, it manages public money and is therefore accountable to taxpayers to run its operations efficiently. 
 their main document to attract bids but the terminology may differ and there may be additional steps, before and after, in a Government tender process. Because it is a highly regulated process have a standard format and structure and usually require certain statutory documents that are not necessary with private sector bids.

Government Tender Process

In most countries they are required by law to publish or announce their tenders in one or more public media such as newspapers, trade magazines and more and more, on their own websites. For sourcing purposes, Government Departments usually keep a list of approved suppliers which is used to invite bids.
Government and local authorities may ask for “Expressions of Interest” to allow other suppliers to be added to their list of potential suppliers before they issue formal documents. Some Governments are now issuing electronic tenders but it is still regular practice for them to ask bidders to submit their bid in hard-copy form.

The Private Sector Tendering Process

Both listed and non-listed companies have more latitude to use a customized sourcing process that suits their industry and their organization. They are not bound by the requirement to spend a given budget in a defined financial year and are therefore free to schedule their buying process to suit business cycles.
Private companies wishing to be seen as ethical and honest adopt what is accepted internationally as best practice. One area where they may not achieve this fully is in the providing details of evaluation criteria and weightings to prospective bidders. This is standard practice in government and generally regarded as the fairest and most transparent way to award contracts. Private companies are often reluctant to disclose their weightings in advance.
Selecting a list of bidders to be involved in the tender process is not subject to any limitations so private companies can limit who they send their documents to as they see fit. They are also not bound to publicly publish details to whom the contract was awarded or even to formally advise the unsuccessful bidders.
Managing and completing their tendering process in less time than governments is really achievable when they are not bound by tight rules. Price negotiation between the sourcing company and short-listed bidders is normal practice which is limited by certain protocols in government.

Bureaucracy Hurts the Government Tender Process

Because of the bureaucratic tender process used in government many qualified and experienced suppliers decline to bid due to the many delays that occur in the sourcing process. This decision is a difficult one as the majority of the high value opportunities are offered by public sector organizations as they have large budgets.

Senin, 05 Agustus 2019

Jumat, 12 Mei 2017

JKN Perspective 2017

JKN Perspective 2017
JKN is intended to address these growing disparities in health care in Indonesia. Its main objective is to create a well-integrated, sustainable, accessible, and equitable health system that provides comprehensive, high-quality care to all Indonesians,
This period included the development of a “road map” for continuing expansion of the system from its launch in 2014 to the achievement of UHC by 2019.
Formularium Nasional (FORNAS): The national formulary of medicine containing list of molecules of drugs  aims to support JKN programs
 e catalogue: a tool for e procurement for which prices of products have been negotiated centrally
* Fornas I in 2013       : Totally 538 variety drugs
* Fornas II in 2015      : Totally 562 variety drugs
* Fornas III in 2016     : Totally 927 variety drugs
* Fornas IV in 2017     : Totally 957 variety drugs
Growth  of drugs in ecatalogue 2017 only 3.24% compare last year , whereas count of JKN provider more excessively 

The issue of JKN :

1.It is not clear RKO (Rencana Kebutuhan Obat) as a basic to create ecatalogue , many member      of JKN didn’t forward list of RKO to kemenkes.
Data for RKO 2016 :
- Hospital government 52% 
 - Private hospitas 2%
  - Pharmacy PRB 15%

2. there are two statement from pharmaceutical industries :
a. The price : MOH Ceiling Price (HPS) are Considered Too Low. There are interests from the industry but the proposed prices are above HPS. It seems that the tender will be repeated with in the same HPS again.
There should be an evaluation on the determination of HPS.
Pricing of HPS has to be reconsidered, how prices are being set? Price being the only indicator to win the tender and negotiation
b. Pharmaceuticals company don’t have a guarantee their product can be great demand from JKN member , many provider of JKN will buy products according their expectation.

3.There are  Statement from Distributor ;
a. Distribution Cost Is Included  in the Product Price, Relatively High Distribution Cost .
Distributors found difficulties in sending products to several member of JKN .
the transportation costs were more than higher , distributors are not attracted to serve all the purchase order because the margins given to distributors are not sufficient to send the products, finally, distributor must obey to distribute it because the principals of pharmaceutical has been signed as separate of JKN programs.
b. Payment to distributor
as we know during IJKN implementation, the main problem is JKN provider have many bureaucracy to paid bill to distributor, needed a new policy that make a simple.

4. Need a new role to regulate new method in government Hospital formularium .
It is not linked between Fornas list and Government hospital formularium.
The role of the government in the accountability of hospitals for quality of care involves shaping the community of those interested in quality, developing methods and infrastructure, standardizing information, providing information and technical assistance, and enforcing standard.
We wish all government hospital submissive to implementation “Fornas” in each hospitas

5.Coordination with each institution is powerless
a. LKPP and LPSE Kemenkes
b. Kemenkes and BPOM
to improve healthcare services under the JKN program, the  government should ensure policy certainty related to the future of the SJSN program, including the technical aspects of its implementation, a guarantee that there will be no changes in policy implementation from Sabang to Merauke, and evaluation as well as supply and availability of drugs required for the program.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
NIDN 0325117404
Lecture Marketing Management

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Integrated “Sales Communications"

Integrated “Sales Communications"

Integrated sales communication untuk distributor farmasi ke pelanggan Rumah sakit atau apotik group merupakan strategi blue ocean di industry obat.sejak BPJS digulirkan tahun lalu dimana pembelian khusus anggota BPJS baik RS maupun puskesmas dapat langsung melakukan order via e proct.

terkait dengan regulasi pemerintah yang mengharuskan penggunaan obat berlabel BPJS maka semua product obat secara perlahan masuk dalam obat BPJS dengan kondisi discount yang menggiurkan.
Salah satu trend dalam strategi distribusi melakukan Vertical Marketing System atau VMS yang merupakan salah satu alternative yang menawarkan solusi masalah seperti ini dalam channel distribusi.

sebagai bagian dari Integrated sales communication VMS pada intinya adalah suatu system yang mengkoordinasi dan mengintegreasikan pihak principal - distributor dan pelanggan untuk mencapai tingkat efisien yang lebih tinggi.

ada 3 tipe VMS :
- Integrasi hanya mencakup administrasi
- Integrasi yang bersifat kontrak
- integrasi corporate VMS yang merupakan integrasi total
terkait pembahasan ini akan mengacu kepada point 3 yakni Integrasi corporate VMS

A.Integrated Sales dengan Pelanggan  (RS/Apotik group) : Sales , Finance & logistic

  1. Pembelian customer besar terutama Rumah sakit atau apotik group yang terintegrasi dengan distributor  :
- Menyiapkan software system pembelian product distributor yang diinstall di rumah sakit dengan catatan adanya negosiasi harga , saat ini bisa dimulai di RS group atau apotik group. adanya system ini tentunya mempermudah obat masuk standarisasi di tiap RS.
Misal : RS Sehat selalu memiliki 4 group maka dapat dilakukan install system purchasing di RS dengan memberikan harga " terbaik".
perlu usaha keras untuk menjalankan kerjasama ini, sama hal dengan JKN yang akhirnya sukses juga menerima ratusan obat BPJS dalam e catalog

2.Pembayaran Rumah sakit yang terintegrasi Bank dan distributor :
salah satu hambatan bisnis rumah sakit adalah prosedur pembayaran yang birokrasi, dengan system ini pembayaran akan terkontrol di system.
tidak mudah memang karena harus bernegosiasi dengan Bank, terkait system keamanan , adm bisaya per transaksi dll
- menyiapkan software system pembayaran yang sudah diinstal di rumah sakit – distributor – Bank yang sudah bekerjasama
- pola ini lebih aman karena rumah sakit hanya melakukan e banking dan paper less
- Jika sudah berjalan dengan baik dapat mengurangi beban collector atau bahkan meniadakan collector

3.Sales person yang on line , artinya sales person disiapkan PDA untuk melayani pembelian pelanggan rumah sakit.

B.Integrated Sales dengan external : Principal/client
1.Integrasi dengan principal secara real time : sales, discount, stock & finance.
- Menyiapkan software yang link antara principal dan distributor missal : product expired yang dapat dilihat antara principal dan distributor
2.Integrasi penambahan database pelanggan distributor langsung ke principal
3. Tidak hanya CRM tetapi disiapkan PR untuk keluhan/complain principal yang dapat diakses via system.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
NIDN : 0325117404
Dosen Marketing

Darkha, Darell dan Rakha

Rekayasa Penjualan

Rekayasa Penjualan

Didalam persaingan yang sangat ketat saat ini di industry farmasi sewajarnya kita harus merekayasa penjualan agar dapat memimpin diantara pesaing.
Menghadapi lingkungan bisnis seperti itu aktivitas penjualan tidak bisa dilihat secara taktikal/fungsional tapi harus disikapi secara strategic.

Pendekatan ini menuntut para salesman untuk melengkapi diri dengan konsep-konsep pemasaran strategis seperti ; segmentasi - targeting - positioning- differensiasi.
Sales (distributor) dan Marketing (principal) harus integrasi dan bersinergi, tidak bisa jalan sendiri-sendiri harus berkolaborasi

 A.Sales Platform (SP) :
merupakan simpul dari keseluruhan strategi penjualan yang mencakup 3 aspek: Market, principal dan Market  , memegang peran menentukan karena kesalahan dalam perumusan akan berakibat pada perumusan komponen organisasi penjualan lainnya
a. Market : kondisi Makro - Mikro
penjualan haruslah berorientasi pasar (market - driven), memahami pasar harus menjadi titik awal sebelum menetapkan strategi dan teknik penjualan
b.Principal (product)  : push dan pull strategy
product yang dijual akan memiliki "kekuatan tarik" (pull power) ke pelanggan dan dikombinasikan dengan "kekuatan tekan" (push power) ke pelanggan hasilnya "kekuatan tarik-tekan" yang sangat powerful      
c. Channel : Aturan - sektor (penjualan regular dan key account)
Merancang channel, beberapa hal yang penting : pilihan dan jenis channel, fungsi tiap channel dan memaksimalkan kinerja channel.
Aturan sangat diperlukan dalam implementasi pekerjaaan, aturan  seperti :
- jadwal kunjungan - effective call - sales closing - RGP (return good policy) dll
bisa dibagi channel penjualan di sector regular atau key account yang dianggap memiliki omset besar.

B.Desain Penjualan (DP) :
Desain penjualan dibentuk untuk menghasilkan efektivitas proses penjualan dan mendorong sinergi antar berbagai bagian yang terlibat dalam proses penjualan
a.Struktur : geografis  – activitas
b. Territory : batasan area
c. Size : coverage dan beban kerja
C.Manajemen Penjualan (MP) :

a.Personal  : skill Knowledge Attitude dan training
b.Process  : internal dan lintas divisi
c.Scorecard : Penilaian dan perbaikan
operasional dari organisasi penjualan seharusnya berlandaskan system bukan Bakat menjual. bagaimana membangun dan mengembangkan tim penjualan yang solid.

Bukti empiris menunjukan perusahaan yang lebih system focused memiliki kinerja jauh lebih baik dibandingkan yang salesman focused.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi

si kembar : Darkha, Darell dan Rakha

The Business Relationship Value in The Hospital Business

The Business Relationship Value in The Hospital Business

We understand business relationships as an interactive exchange activity between two organizations. The business relationship is in the meantime the organizational and management forms of the connections between the two organizations or among the involved people.

Based in this business relationship value concept an integrated business relationship value model has been developed.

It is to better understand behavior in their relationship with hospital and distributor. The hospitals are mostly state run institutions and the distributors are generally directly the national and international drugs manufactures or principals .

Their competition level approach on the local/national pharmaceutical industry and multinational pharmaceutical companies are generally acting on contractual and operational level competition and local pharmaceutical given generic drug manufacturers are competing at operational level.

The characteristic of the behaviour type is the importance of trust based on frequency of the personal contacts between hospital and drug distributor.

The Hospital Market
The drug purchase of hospitals represents a part of the pharmaceutical market. Approximately in Jabotabek 53% of the total pharmaceutical sales go to hospitals and this ratio seems to be constan in the last 5 years. Total active hospitals amount 170 hospitals in Jabotabek.
We examined 3 different factors, :
  • Personal relationship which describe the “closing personal” with the hospital
  • Satisfaction with the service , its mean that how speed the drug distributor to delivery their order.
  • Smoothness of the relationship is about the routines developed in the relationship with the drug distributor which make it more simple.We indicate the hospitals category : Hospital A (Government) , B (Private) and C (Group) The different behaviour patterns of the 3 classification of the hospitals are depending on :

  • The structure of the buying center of hospitals, and the power roles in the center

According to the role in the hospitals, it is the chief pharmacist duty to prepare the order, to deal with the order and to realize the drug purchase.
  • The process of drug purchase

the basic list contains those drugs which are necessary for the everyday treatment in the hospital. This selection of drug means the basis for formulary management.
  • Relationship with the drug distributor
Analysing the relationship with the drug distributor we have to make a different between the manufacturer /principals and a wholesaler as a distributor.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
Dosen Marketing in BSI

Darell A Donovan
Rakha A Donovan

Marketing Strategy for Medical Device

Marketing Strategy for Medical Device

The important factor of success of the plan is to know a company will compete with its competitor and how it can position itself to get a sustainable advantages.
This process consists of three main phases :
  • The planning phase
  • Implementation Phase
  • Control Phase
1.Planning Phase
               The planning phase of the strategic Marketing consists of market research, situation analysis, goal setting and development of marketing plan.
* Situation Analysis
The Indonesian healthcare market is worth $ 29 billion in 2014. Indonesia has almost 10,000 primary care centers and over 2,200 hospitals.The universal healthcare scheme aims to provide better standards, regulations , access and cost effectiveness more than 1,700 hospitals have signed up to participate in the scheme.
Indonesia introduced a universal health care system (UHC) in 2014 administered by The National Social Security Agency (BPJS).
The government continues to encourage private sector involvement in developing hospital.
Indonesia implementing BPJS with the goal universe coverage of the county population of 250 million
* SWOT Analysis
Marketing Manager must first monitor and analyze the opportunities and threats caused by factor outside the company.
a.generally high growth rates of all medical devices in Indonesia
b.quality products, get ISO
c.large potential market
a.identification of qualified distribution
b.competitor is well established and hard trained
c.Lack of doctor
a.growing medical market
b.90 % of tender content imported product access by addressing doctor key
d. BPJS channel
e. established " Center of excellent"
a.Lack of key opinion leader
b.Dependence on distribution
c.Regulatory obstacles
* Segmentation , Targeting and Positioning
Segmentation& Targeting :
Marketing Manager knows his sales people and the sales people know their customer in detail.
  • Serving "NICHE Segment" : are considering entering The medium to low – end product segment
  • Targeting : focus only several cities who can accept product
"ABCDE"  product is widely available to the hospital in all city
  • Positioning : easy to use for doctor, nurse and patient
* Marketing Plan
A Marketing plan consists of its situation analysis objectives and marketing strategy
             Marketing Mix :
  1. Products
There are three categories :
a.Infusion therapy :
b.Respiratory Management :
c.Urological draimage :
Price includes list prices, discount, allowance , payment period & credit term
Promotion is a communication tool that deliver . you can aggressive promote to doctor and nurse
you must coordinate and corporate with distributor periodic
Distribution is away to make the offering available to the target market. It include distribution channel, location, inventory and transportation.

2.Implementation Phase
When the strategy and tactical plans are defined, it is time to take a decision based on all information.
My advice :
  • Be locally present
It is important to show long term interest , willingness to understand the circumstances of the Indonesia health care sector.
you should come and visit on regular basis their clients. Offering manual and training material in Bahasa Indonesia is another advisable service to consider.
Indonesia is a people based culture. which is personal contact to establish trust is even more important for successful business
  • Joint with BPJS product for several product

You plan to entrance mechanism of BPJS catalog or e proct. you offering the product to LPSE or LKPP for use in BPJS members, not only government hospital but private hospitals.
  • Offering product to Big Hospital groups

One of strategy are directly approach to "hospitals stadarization" group like : Siloam group, Mitra group, Pondok Indah hospital, Hermina group , Sari Asih,  and premier group.
  • Approach to Doctors or Hospital organization

For this purpose, it can be useful to contact the umbrella organization for the respective medical field like : IDI (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia), HISFARSI (Himpunan Senat Farmasi Indonesia), PERSI (Perhimpunan Rumah sakit Indonesia) etc
  • Logistic and Distribution services

The distributor should be a trusted and professional, the criteria of a qualified distributor might soon become loss credible due to a lack of attention to details and handling work professionally.
  • Win offer the doctor
Cooperative with universities take an doctor before they graduated.
For market aspect is important to notice doctors ate key for the market entry strategy. The purchase decision for medical devices depend on the sectors doctors, personal preferences with the product making it important to show presence within the market to make decision of the products.
  • Start in Urban Areas

A challenge for the nation wide medical devices will dealing with Indonesia’s local institution like Dinkes Kota or Kabupaten, Dinkes Propinsi and hospital of government.
  • Good Sales and After Services
Offering training concerning use if medical devices as part of the sales service. The level of qualification of the medical staff in Indonesia still lack knowledge for improvement. The competence and skill for medical devices is often not sufficient as well.
  • High precision branding

3.Control Phase
Every good marketing plan must include a control mechanism tracing and reviewing whether the plan its goal.
If the goals are not reached, the marketing manager must correct and adjust the plan

  • The Marketing score card
  • The Financial score card

 Donni Noviandi Rafdi
Dosen Marketing in Bina Sarana Informatika Cipulir
NIDN : 0325117404

Darell A Donovan
Rakha A Donovan