Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Marketing Strategy for Medical Device

Marketing Strategy for Medical Device

The important factor of success of the plan is to know a company will compete with its competitor and how it can position itself to get a sustainable advantages.
This process consists of three main phases :
  • The planning phase
  • Implementation Phase
  • Control Phase
1.Planning Phase
               The planning phase of the strategic Marketing consists of market research, situation analysis, goal setting and development of marketing plan.
* Situation Analysis
The Indonesian healthcare market is worth $ 29 billion in 2014. Indonesia has almost 10,000 primary care centers and over 2,200 hospitals.The universal healthcare scheme aims to provide better standards, regulations , access and cost effectiveness more than 1,700 hospitals have signed up to participate in the scheme.
Indonesia introduced a universal health care system (UHC) in 2014 administered by The National Social Security Agency (BPJS).
The government continues to encourage private sector involvement in developing hospital.
Indonesia implementing BPJS with the goal universe coverage of the county population of 250 million
* SWOT Analysis
Marketing Manager must first monitor and analyze the opportunities and threats caused by factor outside the company.
a.generally high growth rates of all medical devices in Indonesia
b.quality products, get ISO
c.large potential market
a.identification of qualified distribution
b.competitor is well established and hard trained
c.Lack of doctor
a.growing medical market
b.90 % of tender content imported product
c.market access by addressing doctor key
d. BPJS channel
e. established " Center of excellent"
a.Lack of key opinion leader
b.Dependence on distribution
c.Regulatory obstacles
* Segmentation , Targeting and Positioning
Segmentation& Targeting :
Marketing Manager knows his sales people and the sales people know their customer in detail.
  • Serving "NICHE Segment" : are considering entering The medium to low – end product segment
  • Targeting : focus only several cities who can accept product
"ABCDE"  product is widely available to the hospital in all city
  • Positioning : easy to use for doctor, nurse and patient
* Marketing Plan
A Marketing plan consists of its situation analysis objectives and marketing strategy
             Marketing Mix :
  1. Products
There are three categories :
a.Infusion therapy :
b.Respiratory Management :
c.Urological draimage :
Price includes list prices, discount, allowance , payment period & credit term
Promotion is a communication tool that deliver . you can aggressive promote to doctor and nurse
you must coordinate and corporate with distributor periodic
Distribution is away to make the offering available to the target market. It include distribution channel, location, inventory and transportation.

2.Implementation Phase
When the strategy and tactical plans are defined, it is time to take a decision based on all information.
My advice :
  • Be locally present
It is important to show long term interest , willingness to understand the circumstances of the Indonesia health care sector.
you should come and visit on regular basis their clients. Offering manual and training material in Bahasa Indonesia is another advisable service to consider.
Indonesia is a people based culture. which is personal contact to establish trust is even more important for successful business
  • Joint with BPJS product for several product

You plan to entrance mechanism of BPJS catalog or e proct. you offering the product to LPSE or LKPP for use in BPJS members, not only government hospital but private hospitals.
  • Offering product to Big Hospital groups

One of strategy are directly approach to "hospitals stadarization" group like : Siloam group, Mitra group, Pondok Indah hospital, Hermina group , Sari Asih,  and premier group.
  • Approach to Doctors or Hospital organization

For this purpose, it can be useful to contact the umbrella organization for the respective medical field like : IDI (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia), HISFARSI (Himpunan Senat Farmasi Indonesia), PERSI (Perhimpunan Rumah sakit Indonesia) etc
  • Logistic and Distribution services

The distributor should be a trusted and professional, the criteria of a qualified distributor might soon become loss credible due to a lack of attention to details and handling work professionally.
  • Win offer the doctor
Cooperative with universities take an doctor before they graduated.
For market aspect is important to notice doctors ate key for the market entry strategy. The purchase decision for medical devices depend on the sectors doctors, personal preferences with the product making it important to show presence within the market to make decision of the products.
  • Start in Urban Areas

A challenge for the nation wide medical devices will dealing with Indonesia’s local institution like Dinkes Kota or Kabupaten, Dinkes Propinsi and hospital of government.
  • Good Sales and After Services
Offering training concerning use if medical devices as part of the sales service. The level of qualification of the medical staff in Indonesia still lack knowledge for improvement. The competence and skill for medical devices is often not sufficient as well.
  • High precision branding

3.Control Phase
Every good marketing plan must include a control mechanism tracing and reviewing whether the plan its goal.
If the goals are not reached, the marketing manager must correct and adjust the plan

  • The Marketing score card
  • The Financial score card

 Donni Noviandi Rafdi
Dosen Marketing in Bina Sarana Informatika Cipulir
NIDN : 0325117404

Darell A Donovan
Rakha A Donovan

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