Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

New concept in Sales Management (Vaccines business)

New concept in Sales Management (Vaccines business)

ASEAN Economic community has implemented in 2016, we must optimist to success in MEA.

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New concept in Sales Management (Vaccines business)
Sales management system especially to vaccines business is using to manage relationship with customer.
To deliver its range of vaccines for disease like cholera, flu and polio as cost- effective as possible.
Vaccines business needed to overcome its reliance on an internal technology.
To increase sales effectiveness and efficiency.
We deployed – customized and integrated sales.
We make an on line system ; “Salesman Automation application “.

A new application to introduce collaborate sales system to manage almost every aspect of the day- to day sales relationship
    • When salesman need to order advance product such as flu vaccines that need to be ordered month a head of use. They simply click the order Tab in “Salesman automation app” when is in reality a direct link to the SAP/Oracle order system.
    • Customer (Doctor, nurse and hospitals) can use the system easily , we create and install “auto replacement system” in their customer’s Tab / gadget /computer.
  • If stock will be less , system will be create automation to making a new  order /   Purchase order to distributor directly . Example : we create stock level  vaccines product 5 vial, if stock almost 5 system will be create a new PO. Customers will order only our product (silent marketing).
  • Customer able to transfer on line through “e ' Payment application”. This system will be easy , safety and cost reduce.

  • Sales managers use the system to easily define , analyze and change sales territories to match sales organization and other task. We also use it to analyze sales pipelines, improve sales process and enhance their insight in to critical sales issues
  • The sales team had been aware of demand CRM solution for some time and easily access data by using high speed lines. CRM is means that all customer database to integrated with other division (Sales, customer service, finance and logistic )
  • The advantage of a hosted CRM system is the ability to cost effectively track, record and measure each customer relationship

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
“Dosen Marketing” di BSI Bina Sarana Informatika
NIDN : 0325117404

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