Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Sales Territory Management

Sales Territory Management

A Salesman in a territory with too much work is unable to cover all the value customers effectively. Salesman can make his goal just by visiting on the “easy customers”.Companies are fighting back with numerous initiative aimed at Improving sales productivity.

Sales productivity include :
- Sales force automation
- Account management
- Call centre/ sales service optimized
- Lead support system
- Enhanced training initiative

The Benefit of sales territory management :1.Most sales territories are not the right size2.Sales territory alignment enhances customer coverage3.Sales territory alignment can increase sales4.Sales territory affects performance and rewards.5.Sales territory alignment reduce “visiting” time.

We are divide 3 criteria about sales territory :- Right size- Too small area- Too large area

                                  Right size           Too small           Too large               TotalBefore Alignment      52%                        34%                    14%                   100%After Alignment         79%                        13%                      8%                   100%

4 of steps of this process :
 a.Determine alignment criteria and objectives
b.Develop masterlist and database of customer
c.Develop territory alignmentd.Finalize territory alignment review and modify with sales managers
d.Sales managers may want to use territory to study a map of the current alignment, evaluate the balance of work load , potential and experience with change to improve territory balance.

                                                             (a)                    (b)             ( c )             axbxc Customer segment     Sales       annual calls     Hours    Customer       Total hoursHospital > 300 Beds     100              aa                     bb            cc                     ggHospital > 100 - 299      10               aaa                   bbb          ccc                  gggHospital 100                  1               aaaa                  bbbb        cccc                 gggg
           Successful company will implement a sales territory approach to the market place , enabling different customer and enhance sales.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi

Darell A.Donovan
Rakha A.Donovan

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