Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Distributor : Performance approach

Distributor : Performance approach

recent study determined that high performance business of distribution in development of meaningful. Customer insights and practical ways to put those insights in to action.They understand what their customers want and they know how to deliver solutions that customer will order.Distributor “see” their operations on a daily basis, competitive pressures and greater customer expectations .on the surface, the continue of change is just a cost of doing business in the latest “new business” .those intimately involved in a distribution process how these changes are accommodates can mean the difference between survival and "burnout".A successful distribution operation must have accountability. Accountability is made possible by effective leadership, clear communications and efficient system and equipment to enable productive operations and a fulfilling work environment.

There 're 3 step to become a "Performance- Based approach "

Step 1 : Distribution Business Processes
Strategies for distributors "performance-based approach" to four categories :
a. Serving demand ( need of customers and principals)
b. Maximizing sales and collection performance
c. Optimizing supply chain and inventory efficiency
 d. Operational efficiency.

Step 2 : Technologies expected to help grow the businessTechnologies                                  Impact on business
 CRM                                                    31%
Web Sales Supporting                    42%
Sales force Automation                  64%
Inventory Forecasting                    19%
Warehouse Management               37%
Finance Management                     26%

Step 3 : Technology adoption plans for distribution company’sFocus                                                         %       Inventory Management                         31%
Supply chain                                            47%
Information system                                28%
Sales Management                                  52%
Transportation Management System   43%
Payment application                                 24% 
(Sources : Independent survey, BSI cipulir 2015)

Distributors are taking innovative approaches, focusing on better service demand with improved forecasts or conducting more business via the web.Choosing to increase operational effectiveness with asset management and analytical reviews of corporate performance.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
 Dosen Marketing di Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika
NIDN : 0325117404

Darell Atharahim Donovan
Rakha Atharahman Donovan

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