Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Marketing Strategy for Medical Device

Marketing Strategy for Medical Device

The important factor of success of the plan is to know a company will compete with its competitor and how it can position itself to get a sustainable advantages.
This process consists of three main phases :
  • The planning phase
  • Implementation Phase
  • Control Phase
1.Planning Phase
               The planning phase of the strategic Marketing consists of market research, situation analysis, goal setting and development of marketing plan.
* Situation Analysis
The Indonesian healthcare market is worth $ 29 billion in 2014. Indonesia has almost 10,000 primary care centers and over 2,200 hospitals.The universal healthcare scheme aims to provide better standards, regulations , access and cost effectiveness more than 1,700 hospitals have signed up to participate in the scheme.
Indonesia introduced a universal health care system (UHC) in 2014 administered by The National Social Security Agency (BPJS).
The government continues to encourage private sector involvement in developing hospital.
Indonesia implementing BPJS with the goal universe coverage of the county population of 250 million
* SWOT Analysis
Marketing Manager must first monitor and analyze the opportunities and threats caused by factor outside the company.
a.generally high growth rates of all medical devices in Indonesia
b.quality products, get ISO
c.large potential market
a.identification of qualified distribution
b.competitor is well established and hard trained
c.Lack of doctor
a.growing medical market
b.90 % of tender content imported product
c.market access by addressing doctor key
d. BPJS channel
e. established " Center of excellent"
a.Lack of key opinion leader
b.Dependence on distribution
c.Regulatory obstacles
* Segmentation , Targeting and Positioning
Segmentation& Targeting :
Marketing Manager knows his sales people and the sales people know their customer in detail.
  • Serving "NICHE Segment" : are considering entering The medium to low – end product segment
  • Targeting : focus only several cities who can accept product
"ABCDE"  product is widely available to the hospital in all city
  • Positioning : easy to use for doctor, nurse and patient
* Marketing Plan
A Marketing plan consists of its situation analysis objectives and marketing strategy
             Marketing Mix :
  1. Products
There are three categories :
a.Infusion therapy :
b.Respiratory Management :
c.Urological draimage :
Price includes list prices, discount, allowance , payment period & credit term
Promotion is a communication tool that deliver . you can aggressive promote to doctor and nurse
you must coordinate and corporate with distributor periodic
Distribution is away to make the offering available to the target market. It include distribution channel, location, inventory and transportation.

2.Implementation Phase
When the strategy and tactical plans are defined, it is time to take a decision based on all information.
My advice :
  • Be locally present
It is important to show long term interest , willingness to understand the circumstances of the Indonesia health care sector.
you should come and visit on regular basis their clients. Offering manual and training material in Bahasa Indonesia is another advisable service to consider.
Indonesia is a people based culture. which is personal contact to establish trust is even more important for successful business
  • Joint with BPJS product for several product

You plan to entrance mechanism of BPJS catalog or e proct. you offering the product to LPSE or LKPP for use in BPJS members, not only government hospital but private hospitals.
  • Offering product to Big Hospital groups

One of strategy are directly approach to "hospitals stadarization" group like : Siloam group, Mitra group, Pondok Indah hospital, Hermina group , Sari Asih,  and premier group.
  • Approach to Doctors or Hospital organization

For this purpose, it can be useful to contact the umbrella organization for the respective medical field like : IDI (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia), HISFARSI (Himpunan Senat Farmasi Indonesia), PERSI (Perhimpunan Rumah sakit Indonesia) etc
  • Logistic and Distribution services

The distributor should be a trusted and professional, the criteria of a qualified distributor might soon become loss credible due to a lack of attention to details and handling work professionally.
  • Win offer the doctor
Cooperative with universities take an doctor before they graduated.
For market aspect is important to notice doctors ate key for the market entry strategy. The purchase decision for medical devices depend on the sectors doctors, personal preferences with the product making it important to show presence within the market to make decision of the products.
  • Start in Urban Areas

A challenge for the nation wide medical devices will dealing with Indonesia’s local institution like Dinkes Kota or Kabupaten, Dinkes Propinsi and hospital of government.
  • Good Sales and After Services
Offering training concerning use if medical devices as part of the sales service. The level of qualification of the medical staff in Indonesia still lack knowledge for improvement. The competence and skill for medical devices is often not sufficient as well.
  • High precision branding

3.Control Phase
Every good marketing plan must include a control mechanism tracing and reviewing whether the plan its goal.
If the goals are not reached, the marketing manager must correct and adjust the plan

  • The Marketing score card
  • The Financial score card

 Donni Noviandi Rafdi
Dosen Marketing in Bina Sarana Informatika Cipulir
NIDN : 0325117404

Darell A Donovan
Rakha A Donovan

New concept in Sales Management (Vaccines business)

New concept in Sales Management (Vaccines business)

ASEAN Economic community has implemented in 2016, we must optimist to success in MEA.

Are you ready to joint with MEA?

New concept in Sales Management (Vaccines business)
Sales management system especially to vaccines business is using to manage relationship with customer.
To deliver its range of vaccines for disease like cholera, flu and polio as cost- effective as possible.
Vaccines business needed to overcome its reliance on an internal technology.
To increase sales effectiveness and efficiency.
We deployed – customized and integrated sales.
We make an on line system ; “Salesman Automation application “.

A new application to introduce collaborate sales system to manage almost every aspect of the day- to day sales relationship
    • When salesman need to order advance product such as flu vaccines that need to be ordered month a head of use. They simply click the order Tab in “Salesman automation app” when is in reality a direct link to the SAP/Oracle order system.
    • Customer (Doctor, nurse and hospitals) can use the system easily , we create and install “auto replacement system” in their customer’s Tab / gadget /computer.
  • If stock will be less , system will be create automation to making a new  order /   Purchase order to distributor directly . Example : we create stock level  vaccines product 5 vial, if stock almost 5 system will be create a new PO. Customers will order only our product (silent marketing).
  • Customer able to transfer on line through “e ' Payment application”. This system will be easy , safety and cost reduce.

  • Sales managers use the system to easily define , analyze and change sales territories to match sales organization and other task. We also use it to analyze sales pipelines, improve sales process and enhance their insight in to critical sales issues
  • The sales team had been aware of demand CRM solution for some time and easily access data by using high speed lines. CRM is means that all customer database to integrated with other division (Sales, customer service, finance and logistic )
  • The advantage of a hosted CRM system is the ability to cost effectively track, record and measure each customer relationship

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
“Dosen Marketing” di BSI Bina Sarana Informatika
NIDN : 0325117404

Distributor : Performance approach

Distributor : Performance approach

recent study determined that high performance business of distribution in development of meaningful. Customer insights and practical ways to put those insights in to action.They understand what their customers want and they know how to deliver solutions that customer will order.Distributor “see” their operations on a daily basis, competitive pressures and greater customer expectations .on the surface, the continue of change is just a cost of doing business in the latest “new business” .those intimately involved in a distribution process how these changes are accommodates can mean the difference between survival and "burnout".A successful distribution operation must have accountability. Accountability is made possible by effective leadership, clear communications and efficient system and equipment to enable productive operations and a fulfilling work environment.

There 're 3 step to become a "Performance- Based approach "

Step 1 : Distribution Business Processes
Strategies for distributors "performance-based approach" to four categories :
a. Serving demand ( need of customers and principals)
b. Maximizing sales and collection performance
c. Optimizing supply chain and inventory efficiency
 d. Operational efficiency.

Step 2 : Technologies expected to help grow the businessTechnologies                                  Impact on business
 CRM                                                    31%
Web Sales Supporting                    42%
Sales force Automation                  64%
Inventory Forecasting                    19%
Warehouse Management               37%
Finance Management                     26%

Step 3 : Technology adoption plans for distribution company’sFocus                                                         %       Inventory Management                         31%
Supply chain                                            47%
Information system                                28%
Sales Management                                  52%
Transportation Management System   43%
Payment application                                 24% 
(Sources : Independent survey, BSI cipulir 2015)

Distributors are taking innovative approaches, focusing on better service demand with improved forecasts or conducting more business via the web.Choosing to increase operational effectiveness with asset management and analytical reviews of corporate performance.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
 Dosen Marketing di Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika
NIDN : 0325117404

Darell Atharahim Donovan
Rakha Atharahman Donovan

Sales Territory Management

Sales Territory Management

A Salesman in a territory with too much work is unable to cover all the value customers effectively. Salesman can make his goal just by visiting on the “easy customers”.Companies are fighting back with numerous initiative aimed at Improving sales productivity.

Sales productivity include :
- Sales force automation
- Account management
- Call centre/ sales service optimized
- Lead support system
- Enhanced training initiative

The Benefit of sales territory management :1.Most sales territories are not the right size2.Sales territory alignment enhances customer coverage3.Sales territory alignment can increase sales4.Sales territory affects performance and rewards.5.Sales territory alignment reduce “visiting” time.

We are divide 3 criteria about sales territory :- Right size- Too small area- Too large area

                                  Right size           Too small           Too large               TotalBefore Alignment      52%                        34%                    14%                   100%After Alignment         79%                        13%                      8%                   100%

4 of steps of this process :
 a.Determine alignment criteria and objectives
b.Develop masterlist and database of customer
c.Develop territory alignmentd.Finalize territory alignment review and modify with sales managers
d.Sales managers may want to use territory to study a map of the current alignment, evaluate the balance of work load , potential and experience with change to improve territory balance.

                                                             (a)                    (b)             ( c )             axbxc Customer segment     Sales       annual calls     Hours    Customer       Total hoursHospital > 300 Beds     100              aa                     bb            cc                     ggHospital > 100 - 299      10               aaa                   bbb          ccc                  gggHospital 100                  1               aaaa                  bbbb        cccc                 gggg
           Successful company will implement a sales territory approach to the market place , enabling different customer and enhance sales.

Donni Noviandi Rafdi

Darell A.Donovan
Rakha A.Donovan

System INA CBGs BPJS ke perusahaan Farmasi?

System INA CBGs BPJS ke perusahaan Farmasi?

Program JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional) pada tanggal 1 Januari, 2014, JKN menerapkan Teknik Managed care dengan sistem pembayaran “Kapitasi dan INA CBGs” .Tarif INA CBGs sudah menggunakan konsep tarif Rumah Sakit yang lebih rasional, kalau tarif RS masih menggunakan strategi tarif komersial maka program JKN akan sulit berkembang. Tarif RS yang meretailkan semua komponen tarif berakibat tarif akhir tindakan medis menjadi sangat mahal.

Dengan konsep INA CBGs ini seharusnya mempermudah RS menerima pembayaran dari BPJS untuk pembelian obat ke distributor farmasi dan tentunya RS akan lebih cepat lagi dalam  pembayaran ke distributor.

Selama ini ada beberapa RS pemerintah provider BPJS yang pembayaran melebihi dari batas  jatuh tempo faktur distributor.Sesuai UU No 24 tahun 2011 yang mengatur pola pembayaran BPJS, keterlambatan pembayaran BPJS ke Rumah Sakit provider BPJS itu didenda 1% dari total tagihan claim Rumah Sakit Provider BPJS.
untuk menghindari keterlambatan bayar terhindar denda 1% dari total tagihan, BPJS Kesehatan melakukan pembayaran uang muka 50% dari total claim yang masuk.bahkan untuk menghindari risiko sebelum masa jatuh tempo pembayaran claim atau tagihan RS provider BPJS , pihak BPJS juga menambah sampai 25% lagi.
Sehingga selama poses verifikasi claim pihak rumah sakit yang mengajukan claim bisa mendapatkan dana likuiditas 75%, dari Batas pembayaran claim 15 hari sejak masuknya claim ke BPJS Kesehatan.

Suksesnya JKN tentunya perlu dukungan semua pihak baik pemerintah, pemberi pelayan kesehatan , principal/perusahaan farmasi dan distributor obat sebagai eksekutor proses pelayanan ke RS Provider BPJS.

Hambatan provider BPJS Rumah Sakit ke distributor farmasi :Beberapa RS pemerintah provider BPJS pembayaran tidak sesuai jatuh tempo yang diberikan pihak distributor, kendala utama adalah dokumen claim yang diberikan oleh RS provider BPJS ke kantor BPJS tidak/kurang  lengkap.
Persyaratan utama BPJS membayar claim adalah resume dokter yang memeriksa pasien sesuai dengan penginputan / Kodingdi system icd-10 yang diinput pihak RS, jika kurang lengkap hasil verifikator BPJS maka dokumen akan dikembalikan BPJS ke RS provider untuk dilengkapi BPJS sehingga pembayaran mundur tidak tepat waktu.

Saran yang dapat diberikan ke pemerintah melalui kemenkes atau BPJS agar program JKN dapat lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya :

1.Proses system pembayaran RS provider BPJS ke distributor agar diperbaiki untuk selalu tepat waktu. kendala yang terjadi di internal RS dengan BPJS yakni verifikasi tidak sesuai, resume dokter belum lengkap dan pengkodean belum lengkap  lebih cepat ditangani oleh BPJS . jika diperlukan dibentuk “team crisis centre “oleh BPJS dan kemenkes untuk mempercepat proses pembayaran ke RS provider sehingga tagihan dapat dibayar tepat waktu.
pihak perusahaan farmasipun dapat melakukan kontrol terhadap proses internal RS provider BPJS terhadap faktur-faktur claim atau tagihan di RS yang akan ditagihkan atau claim ke kantor BPJS. alangkah baiknya pihak RS membentuk SAMSAT (Seperti sistem STNK/pajak)  pembayaran tagihan khusus BPJS sehingga semua serba terukur , cepat, jelas dan transparant.

2.Untuk lebih mendukung proses pembayaran RS provider BPJS ke distributor mengikuti mekanisme pembayaran kapitasi, artinya pihak BPJS dapat mengusulkan perubahan penambahan account dalam pembayaran dimuka 50% tidak hanya ke rumah sakit provider BPJS saja tetapi  juga ke distributor obat. System pembayaran BPJS ke tiap-tiap distributor ini dilihat dari historical pembelian tiap-tiap rumah sakit ke distributor obat.

3.Untuk antisipasi ketersediaan stock obat produk BPJS, pihak kemenkes mewajibkan forecast stock atau Rencana Kebutuhan Obat per tahun ke provider BPJS agar stock dapat disiapkan dan diproduksi dengan baik oleh pabrik farmasi.
Kemenkes atau BPJS wajib selalu memantau , mengingatkan dan mengevaluasi secara simultan dengan baik rs / puskesmas provider BPJS ini untuk wajib memberikan informasi Rencana kebutuhan obat atau forecast pertahunnya yang selanjutnya data tersebut diberikan ke principal atau pabrik farmasi untuk disiapkan produksi.
4.Rencana kebutuhan obat tersebut wajib dijalankan menjadi PO (purchasing order) via ecatalog sejak awal tahun oleh RS provider BPJS sehingga estimasi stock obat milik principal atau perusahaan farmasi akan cair secara periodik

Donni Noviandi Rafdi 
"Project Manager e’purchasing Rumah Sakit PERSI (Perhimpunan RS Indonesia) 2001-2003"

Dosen Pemasaran di Akademi BSI dan STIA Kawula Indonesia 
Lektor , NIDN 0325117404

Yes ! I am a KAM

 Yes ! I am a KAM

Recognizing the emergence of new influencing groups, pharmaceutical companies have set up dedicated sales teams or roles, alongside the traditional primary and secondary care teams. .
With KAM; Pharmaceutical companies can revitalize their sales model & regain their consultative status and influential role in physician’s choice of medicines in the hospitals
many Pharma companies in Indonesia have issued an Account Manager’s business card to traditional sales reps and given more selective in targeting his key customers
To move Pharma organizations forward in challenging times; there are several key stages that pharma companies employing KAM go through as they mature and embark on a journey that moves them through successive levels of sophistication.

1.The KAM developed knowledge ;  Selling to "pareto" customer
– to get the capable KAM, Training modul were created to support this approach using the new concept KAM training model
- Sales targets were set based upon what the company wanted to sell or last year plus 10%
- The customer divided 2 categories of customers : Private Hospital and Government hospital.

2 The KAM  aimed to create a ‘USP’ or Unique Selling Proposition / Value Proposition’
Successful companies and sales people in the pharmaceutical industry going forward will understand the value in identifying the accounts that will generate the greatest return on their investment and will be able to develop and maintain commercial business relationships that generate mutual trust and value for all parties, including patients.
The mindset change that is necessary when moving from Traditional approach to Selling to Key Account Management.
Traditional selling takes the point of the interaction between the organizations being that of the sales rep directly to the healthcare professional.
We can differentiate ourselves with key customers and maximize our key customer relationships by moving from “old models” to "diamond models" of customer relationship.
In this relationship model, the account manager interacts with all the departments in the hospital like in government hospital ; Pokja Farmasi, ULP, PPK , warehouse and finance, using all of the company resources that are available to them.
One of important task who KAM must expert is to ensure all payment or collection of BPJS can get well done.
KAM can identification BPJS flow cart, from the hospital procedure until to process in BPJS

3 The KAM relationship models
This type of relationship involves the hospital much more closely with the company. It does not stand on the relationship between perhaps only two individuals..
an approach that seeks to build longstanding relationships between the account manager and those customers that are most important to their and the organizations long-term success.
KAM must know pattern of purchasing, payment , tender and schedule of create a PO (purchase order) and especially close relationship with each person in charge in the hospitals.

4. Key Account Management requires very different skills and strategic thinking.
- It moves away from the old approach of detailing individuals, to a multi-faceted approach that takes into account all customers (Pharmaciest, ware house, finance and administration) , rather than just clinicians, and also has a broader more business-focused view.
- The Habits Successful Key Account Managers:
Habit 1: Select
Habit 2: Engage
Habit 3: Initiative
Habit 4: Solve the problem
Habit 5: Solution oriented
The habits suggest it has new importance discipline and structure. It is seen as strategically important to organizational success.
It is an essential response to competitive pressures within KAM and most important of all to changes in how large customers buy. It is essential to Keep pace with the sourcing procurement and supply chain strategies of its customers.
The habits are a portrait of the most successful characteristics and behaviors of KAM set  increased pressure on prices, centralization of buying decisionswithin large global organizations and other trends such as the consolidation of suppliers.

5. Measures to ensure the right progress is being done
- The competitive advantage and value creating model must be clearly defined as must the KAM processes, systems tools and skills
- Balance score card for KAM to evaluate all the performance

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
"Key Account Manager " for 3 years in pharmaceutical company

Indonesia Pharma market perspective 2017


 Indonesia Pharma Market Perspective 2017

Indonesia is belived to be pharma next hot economy, The Indonesia pharma market is valuaded at +/- Rp 80 Trilyun in 2015, the sector recorder 85% growth from 2010 to 2015 with domestic companies holding 70% of the market share compare to the 30% owned by multinationals.

1.Nasional Health Insurances , 

BPJS will be covered by JKN. As a result, manufacturers will have to contend with significant price as they seek to supply quantities of pharmaceutical for public procurement.

In 2017;
- LKPP or LPSE will added many new numeric  of drug to entrance “ecatalog” categories
- Prediction of sales growth (2016 vs 2015) JKN drugs year is 15.7%
- Progress hospitals member JKN next year, not only government hospitals but almost private hospital (92 private hospitals) in around Jakarta (Jabotabek) will joint with BPJS programs.
BPJS will provide many item drug to hospital members (Government and private hospitals.
b. Inhealth insurance (premium medical care)
Currently, inhealth is a major player within the managed care segment of health insurance. On 2016, Inhealth business has 49 service offices throughout Indonesia. More than 4000 health care provides including hospital, pharmacies and phisicians.
Inhealth also experience growth with more than 1 million participant and more than 15 pharmaceutical manufactures joint this system and total sales in Inhealth channel estimated around Rp 74 billion in 2016
In 2017 :
- SIMO (inhealth web system) will install to many new hospital and dispensary , estimated to get 200 new members
- Inhealth product will be increased significant ; not only sales grow but also added to numeric of drug will joint with SIMO

2.Health expenditure per capita in Indonesia
The limits in the pharmaceutical industry are even higher ; 85% and given the estimation that 20% of total health expenditure will be allocated to pharmacy products.
Indonesia’s GDP growth slowed further to 4.7% year on year . in Q2 2016 Indonesia’s real GDP is excpected to 5.8% from GDP
Indonesia’s inflation rate increased by 4.2% year on year, 2016

3.The Diseases.
Several diseases is big opportunity to extend of pharmaceutical business in Indonesia :
a. Chronic diseases due to effect of life styles are more prevalent   like  : Obesity, type 2 diabetes , and cancer
b.Cardio vaskuler diseases are dominant , concern in Indonesia because of tobacco, hypertension will have greatest number of deaths among all Indonesia city.
c.Communicable diseases like TB/HIV are still highly prevalent in Indonesia.
d.The major therapeutic categories were : antibacterial drugs , analgesics, antitussives, vitamin and mineral, vaccines and anti tuberculosis drugs.

4. War competition for Principals of pharmaceutical
- Rethinking to register almost your drugs in LKPP for BPJS/JKN, It is important to joint BPJS products
-  to add of channel to push order, Sub distributor or retailer.
Manufacturers of pharmaceutical uses two basic promotional approach  : push and pull strategies.
It is important to appropriately adjust a strategy to a specific drug, discount not away profitable. The main obstacles to cooperative with sub distributor are their poor financial condition and small warehouse.
- The principals of pharmaceutical ability to maintain good relationships with its business network (including with distributors and retailers/ sub distributor) as well as terms and condition of the cooperation are further assessed in rating determination.
- Ability to keep consistent marketing strategy to build brand loyalty.
- Well managed discount to customers
- Budget of promotion is not large, be policy to support customer

5.High competition in distributor of pharmaceutical to capture a new principal and new business.
They will give excellent service to principal and customer with less operation.
Distributor use new web application (sales, finance and logistic) to reduce cost,
In this changing business environment, customers and manufacturers are beginning to ask, How do distributors add value?
The answer, of course, is that distributors add value in many ways. Distributors offer a wide variety of value-added services before, during and after the sales (delivery and return good policy)

a.Distribution Business Processes Strategies for distributors "performance-based approach" to four categories :
*. Serving demand ( need of customers and principals)
*. Maximizing sales and collection performance
*. Optimizing supply chain and inventory efficiency
*. Operational efficiency.
b.Technologies expected to help grow the business. Distributors are taking innovative approaches, focusing on better service demand with improved forecasts or conducting more business via the web.
c. Distributor with Unique Value Proposition can be engaged with principals ;
Distributor can be provider of end to end solution for each principals to give them satisfaction, provide all needed like : daily sales report , integration data between salesman dan medical representative , automatic replacement of stock etc

6.Many Apotik / dispensary will collapse effect from JKN price,
Apotik/dispensary must change strategy to struggle with competitive condition because effect of JKN drugs , the price has been cheap. In 2016, it’s sales decreased until 50%.
The strategy will create to win of war competition are :
- Corporation with principal of pharmaceutical to serve doctor
- good relationship with patient
- get minimum profit from price
- reduce operation expense

7.Growing institution channel in pharmaceutical business
Channel of institution will developed in 2017 ;  Puskesmas (community health centre) , RSUK (RS Umum Kecamatan) , Dinas kesehatan office and Kemenkes (kementrian kesehatan).
Puskesmas efforts is very important particularly to support of JKN , Puskesmas is responsible for implementing comprehensive , integrated and sustainable health care at primary level.
Total puskesmas in 2016 is 9,655
a. a new pattern to serve institution business , there are many systems:
- e-catalog
- e-monev
b. new role to handle of Government hospital
- New role to contract of price for regularly patient in hospitals (not BPJS patient)
- e-tendering through “web LPSE”
- New payment flow chart and new administration process to handling institutional / government hospital , like : BA (Berita Acara), payment process and SPK (Surat Perintah Kerja)

8.The Role of “Indonesia Medicine regulatory authority “ (BPOM) will be strictly
- BPOM welcome investment are important in ensuring that supply meet demand, this situation will result in more acquaintance and innovation partnering models.
- The local companies are GMP certified
- Indonesia Medicine Regulatory Authority (BPOM) strictly to control all activity, distribute and procedure of pharmaceutical industry.
- BPOM’s regulation are update : compulsory licences, patent annuity fees , generic resources and traditional knowledge etc

9.Distributor must care about BPJS collection 

BPJS payment to hospital is not good and give a bad condition for distributor of pharmaceutical. Many hospitals paid their transaction to distributor is very long time (overdue).
Advice for BPJS In 2017 :
- BPJS office make a web of payment transaction to all member hospital, “e -payment” .
Function is easily to tracking all invoice or transaction from hospitals and distributor. This web can give many information to hospital and distributor ; administration process , when BPJS will paid od invoice from hospital , Budget of payment , obstacles of invoice etc
- Distributor make closely relationship  with BPJS branch not only BPJS head offices

1.The Indonesia’s pharmaceutical industry is positive because the enormous growth potential of the local market regulatory and despite facing competition.
2.Important to manufacturer / principals and distributor of pharmaceutical to create strategy to face business competition  in 2017
Manufacturer should follow several points to define their approach to this complex, the precepts call for pharmaceutical companies to do the following :
a.Key partners: the network of distributor and sub distributor/retailers that makes the business model work
b.Value proposition: the bundle of products and services that create value for a specific customer segment
c.Customer relationships: the types of relationships a company establishes with specific customer segments
d.Channels: the way a company communicates with and reaches its customer segments to deliver a value proposition
e..Customer segments: the different groups of people or organizations an enterprise aims to reach and serve
f.Cost structure: all costs, such as marketing and promotion, distribution and payments,
g.Define a talent strategy. Develop a clear plan to secure key leadership and managerial talent, blending local and global experience. Build a sustainable approach to address a tight talent pipeline and mitigate staff turnover at levels.
Despite the above challenges , Indonesia still provides a significant opportunity for Pharmaceutical companies , The country has a comparatively high growth rate, large market, urbanizing , population and strong demographies.
I am optimistic, and you…

Thanks ,

Donni Noviandi Rafdi
NIDN : 0325117404 , Dosen Pemasaran